Treatment Centers by City
- Wichita
- Topeka
- Kansas City
- Overland Park
- Salina
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- Mission
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- Hays
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- Newton
- Dodge City
- Junction City
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- McPherson
- Beloit
- Colby
- Concordia
- Fort Scott
- Garnett
- Hiawatha
- Iola
- Liberal
- Norton
- Paola
- Pittsburg
- Shawnee
- Wellington
- Winfield
- Abilene
- Anthony
- Atchison
- Augusta
- Columbus
- El Dorado
- Emporia
- Girard
- Goodland
- Great Bend
- Greensburg
- Hillsboro
- Holton
- Leawood
- Marysville
- Medicine Lodge
- Osborne
- Ottawa
- Parsons
- Phillipsburg
- Pratt
- Riverton
- Winchester
- Andover
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- Clay Center
- Ellsworth
- Eskridge
- Fort Leavenworth
- Goddard
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- Kingman
- Kinsley
- Larned
- Lenexa
- Louisburg
- Marienthal
- Moundridge
- Oskaloosa
- Pleasanton
- Seneca
- Ulysses
- Yates Center
- Pathways Family Services LLC
- Pathways Family Services LLC
is located at 4101 SW Martin Drive Topeka, KS. 66609 and can be contacted by calling 785-783-8438. Pathways Family Services LLC offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Payment Help
- Contact Us
- In 2008, thirteen State Attorneys General and the San Francisco, CA, City Attorney initiated an investigation of CKSs (Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages), which resulted in negotiated settlements with two CKS producers, who agreed to remove all stimulants from their products.
- A survey of 4,271 students from more than 10 universities found that about a quarter of the students that had consumed alcohol in the past 30 days said they were mixing alcohol with energy drinks, either the premixed kind or Red Bull and vodka.
- Substance abuse and mental disorders were the most common conditions among children of alcohol addicted parents.
- Alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system. This can lead to a decrease in physical and mental activity and at the same time an increase in anxiety and tension.
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