  • New Dawn Wellness and Recovery Center
  • New Dawn Wellness and Recovery Center
    is located at 4015 SW 21st Street Topeka, KS. 66604 and can be contacted by calling 785-266-0202. New Dawn Wellness and Recovery Center offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Services for Young Adults, Dual Diagnosis, Women, Men, Court Appointed Client Services
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee

  • Contact Us
  • How do I know if its okay to drink? The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that if you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, do not exceed 1 drink per day for women or 2 drinks per day for men. According to the guidelines, people who should not drink alcoholic beverages at all include the following: Children and adolescents Individuals of any age who cannot limit their drinking to low level Women who may become pregnant or who are pregnant Individuals who plan to drive, operate machinery, or take part in other activities that require attention, skill, or coordination Individuals taking prescription or over-the-counter medications that can interact with alcohol Individuals with certain medical conditions Persons recovering from alcoholism
  • Individuals with a Blood Alcohol level of .15 (about four to seven drinks per hour for the average teen) is 380 times more likely to die in a single vehicle crash than a sober person.
  • The prevalence of binge drinking among students who reported current alcohol use increased with grade level, from 51.1% in 9th grade students to 67.4% in 12th grade students.
  • Many aspects of alcohol's health effects have not been studied, including various systems of the body that include the immune system, gall bladder function, and arthritis; thus the importance of supporting alcohol research funding.

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