Treatment Centers by City
- Wichita
- Topeka
- Kansas City
- Overland Park
- Salina
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- Mission
- Garden City
- Hays
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- Newton
- Dodge City
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- Concordia
- Fort Scott
- Garnett
- Hiawatha
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- Liberal
- Norton
- Paola
- Pittsburg
- Shawnee
- Wellington
- Winfield
- Abilene
- Anthony
- Atchison
- Augusta
- Columbus
- El Dorado
- Emporia
- Girard
- Goodland
- Great Bend
- Greensburg
- Hillsboro
- Holton
- Leawood
- Marysville
- Medicine Lodge
- Osborne
- Ottawa
- Parsons
- Phillipsburg
- Pratt
- Riverton
- Winchester
- Andover
- Belleville
- Burlington
- Chanute
- Clay Center
- Ellsworth
- Eskridge
- Fort Leavenworth
- Goddard
- Humboldt
- Independence
- Kingman
- Kinsley
- Larned
- Lenexa
- Louisburg
- Marienthal
- Moundridge
- Oskaloosa
- Pleasanton
- Seneca
- Ulysses
- Yates Center
- Lakemary Center Inc
- Lakemary Center Inc
is located at 100 Lakemary Drive Paola, KS. 66071 and can be contacted by calling 913-557-4000. Lakemary Center Inc offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- The beneficial effects on cardiac health has been established; 1-3 drinks per day may help to reduce atherosclerosis in coronary and other arteries throughout the body, according to the latest research that is related to the physical effects of alcohol on the body.
- Approximately four out of every five students have consumed alcohol by the end of high school.
- Tolerance is the need for larger amounts of alcohol to become intoxicated.
- Energy drinks are beverages that typically contain caffeine, other plant-based stimulants, simple sugars, and other additives. They are very popular among youth and are regularly consumed by 31% of 12- to 17-year-olds and 34% of 18- to 24-year-olds. When alcoholic beverages are mixed with energy drinks, a popular practice among youth, the caffeine in these drinks can mask the depressant effects of alcohol. At the same time, caffeine has no effect on the metabolism of alcohol by the liver and thus does not reduce breath alcohol concentrations or reduce the risk of alcohol-attributable harms.
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