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- Yates Center
- Hope Help Health of Holton
- Hope Help Health of Holton
is located at 11549 222 Road Holton, KS. 66436 and can be contacted by calling 785-305-0549. Hope Help Health of Holton offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Spanish Speaking
Payment Options: Self Pay
- Contact Us
- In the past three years, New York City has experienced a steady increase in children between 12 and 17 checking into the ER with injuries from binge drinking, going from 899 to 1,211.
- An alcoholic is anyone who suffers from the health issue of alcoholism. Alcoholism is a physical condition whereby the body of an alcoholic has become physiologically dependent on alcohol.
- Risk factors for developing a drinking problem include low self-esteem, depression, anxiety or another mood problem, as well as having parents with alcoholism.
- Teens that consume alcohol are 50 times more likely to use cocaine than teens who never consume alcohol.
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