Treatment Centers by City
- Wichita
- Topeka
- Kansas City
- Overland Park
- Salina
- Olathe
- Lawrence
- Mission
- Garden City
- Hays
- Hutchinson
- Newton
- Dodge City
- Junction City
- Leavenworth
- Manhattan
- McPherson
- Beloit
- Colby
- Concordia
- Fort Scott
- Garnett
- Hiawatha
- Iola
- Liberal
- Norton
- Paola
- Pittsburg
- Shawnee
- Wellington
- Winfield
- Abilene
- Anthony
- Atchison
- Augusta
- Columbus
- El Dorado
- Emporia
- Girard
- Goodland
- Great Bend
- Greensburg
- Hillsboro
- Holton
- Leawood
- Marysville
- Medicine Lodge
- Osborne
- Ottawa
- Parsons
- Phillipsburg
- Pratt
- Riverton
- Winchester
- Andover
- Belleville
- Burlington
- Chanute
- Clay Center
- Ellsworth
- Eskridge
- Fort Leavenworth
- Goddard
- Humboldt
- Independence
- Kingman
- Kinsley
- Larned
- Lenexa
- Louisburg
- Marienthal
- Moundridge
- Oskaloosa
- Pleasanton
- Seneca
- Ulysses
- Yates Center
- Elizabeth Layton Center
- Elizabeth Layton Center
is located at 25955 West 327th Street Paola, KS. 66071 and can be contacted by calling 913-557-9096. Elizabeth Layton Center offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- The reason a person may experience the warm feeling of skin flushes when drinking is because alcohol dilates the blood vessels that carry the blood just below the surface of the skin; as these capillaries expand due to the presence of alcohol in the bloodstream, the flow of blood is increased.
- More than 70,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or rape.
- Alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon in men.
- The beneficial effects on cardiac health has been established; 1-3 drinks per day may help to reduce atherosclerosis in coronary and other arteries throughout the body, according to the latest research that is related to the physical effects of alcohol on the body.
For more information, visit